“Sitting in the shade, on a nice day, and looking up towards the green verdant hills, is the best relax.”
(Jane Austen)

I knew very well that a house should never be on a hill or on anything else.“ It should be part of the hill. Belong to it. Hill and house should live together, each one capable of being happier thanks to the other.”
(Frank Lloyd Wright )

PERUGIA, THE HILLS, the vineyards, the olive groves

“You can see Assisi in the distance; you can sense the environment that surrounds you, the silence broken by  the wind blowing through the olive groves.Only there you can understand why, but why what? 

Why my father at almost 70 years unexpectedly abandoned his most beloved house in Venice to go living in Migliano in the Umbrian hills, to  produce Oil and Wine. He decided to  start a new adventure, to go back to nature.

There’s nature here, history, art, architecture, biodiversity and this has been existing for many many years, the habitat is perfect, there’s no need to regenerate it, it has not been lost. It’s already marvellous, you only need to mantain and preserve it… 

My father, born in 1932, still endures today and produces organic Oil and Wine, with the passion and the folly that drove him over here.

His products are unique, only by knowing and visiting these places you can understand the value of these products, which not only express the value of a territory, (which in its environmental and historical preservation is by itself unique and not to be found again), they also represent the passion and resilience of unique people, custodians with their work of those elements that give a priceless value to the products they offer.”


“The Umbrian God then made a wonderful light blue for the sky, and a color even more beautiful which he used to paint the distances and the mountains. This is why  Umbria is so miracolously light blue, the most azure of all lands.”
(Karel Capek)

olive groves, vineyards, the magic of the Umbrian hills
the castle of a thousand, marsciano, perugia
honey, among vineyards and olive groves

“Art is the expression of the deepest thought in the simplest way”

Albert Einstein


Via Olmo, 7
P.iva 03364550271
REA: VE – 367706

Organic farm
Farmhouse accommodation
Educational farm
Rural tourism

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